FLOW SWITCH COMET TABLE. CONTACT US FOR MORE INFORMATIONS. Variable Area Flow Meters. Metal Tube Flow Meters. Oval Gear Flow Meters. SLM Seal Water Flow Meters.
You have arrived at the Danfoss Global Product Catalog. If you are looking for Danfoss USA Product Store and catalog – which enables you to purchase our . This value (the set point) can be fixed or adjustable. SOR flow switches are built to offer high standard and long lasting service. Our flow switches can be used in a various pipe sizes for service in the oil and gas, . This flow rate sensor from aquacomputer has an extremely low flow.
FSW-30A, FSW-3Aand FSW- 32A. Industrial Flow Switches From 0.
GPM Non-magnetic – ideal for Rusty Water. Paddle flow switch tips. Devices, which contains an electrical switch, the contact of which is actuated at a given flow of the hydraulic fluid. Gama de Controladores de Flujo Genebre con Mirilla, Purgador Termodinámico o Reductora de Presión. Blade: stainless steel for pipe from 1” to 8”.
IF…VE – Adjustable visual and electric flow switches. IF…V2E – Adjustable visual . WIKA data sheet FL 80. Electronic flow switch. Flow switch for piping DN 1” to DN 8”.
Flow through the horizontal pipeline causes the pivoted mechanical flow switch vane assembly to swing in the direction of the flow, lifting an attraction sleeve to . Safe monitoring of flow rates and temperature in industrial processes, like cooling water circulation and lubrication systems. With on-site display. Our air and liquid flow switches are made of material to withstand tough environments.
F2Series flow switches respond to fluid flow in lines carrying water, ethylene glycol, or other nonhazardous fluids. These models also work in applications . The FS-water flow switch features BSP brass fittings and operates from a small head of water. FCI flow switches feature thermal dispersion technology in which the temperature difference is greatest in a no-flow condition and decreases as flow increases, .
Digital Flow Switch PFM725-C6-F, PFM725-C6-F, Pcs. Suitable for 1” to 8” pipes. Temperature range: -30–120°C. Protection class: IP 54. It must be fitted far from any pipe elbows or choke points.
The flow switch can be installed in either a horisontal or vertical position. Thermal flow sensor to monitor the flow velocity of air and gases. Patented sensor head . Additional Information.
Country of Origin: Sweden (SE). User Manual ST-flow switch with micro switch.