B772y datasheet

ON CHARACTERISTICS h FE(1). Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage. PNP Plastic Encapsulated Transistor. List of Unclassifed Manufacturers Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc. EasyEDA components online store LCSC.

VCB=-10V,IE=f=1MHz. CLASSIFICATION OF hFE. Here is an image showing the pin diagram of the this transistor. Explore Fairchild Semiconductor on Octopart: the fastest source for datasheets , pricing, specs and availability.

Datasheet archive, cross-reference database and message board. W, 50MHz (Comp. 2SD882). Total Device Dissipation Tc=C. Junction Temperature. Storage, Temperature. PNP Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor. VCE=-10V,IE= f=1MHz.

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