ImPACT Applications Introduces new certification program for athletic trainers. ImPACT Trained Athletic Trainer (ITAT) program . Want to become a go-to concussion care provider in your community? We provide CE eligible courses and credential programs for healthcare and rehab . Credentialed ImPACT Consultant.
I can now perform more comprehensive evaluations, look deeper into testing raw data, . Looking for a concussion assessment tool to include in your concussion care program? ImPACT is an FDA cleared tool for baseline and post injury testing. Administer and compare baseline and post-injury test with the only FDA- cleared computerized test for concussions.
FA415i, a batch of Charpy V-notch certified reference test pieces. Sets of five of these test pieces are used for the verification of pendulum impact test machines . Safety glasses must meet the ANSI high velocity impact protection safety standards. To meet these standards. Charpy impact testing is a high strain-rate test that involves striking a standard.
REFERENCE: Anderson, T. Standard Test Method for Impact Testing of Miniaturized Charpy . Method for the Verification of Impact Testing Machines, European Committee. Impact testing is required for many critical applications in the construction, . NIST records on certification failures show that the low energy specimens are statistically the most likely to result in test machine certification failure. Read more “Impact testing certification”